Create STEM Teacher Leadership Program Application

Overview and Expectations of the Program

Before beginning this application, please review the following information:

  • The general program information found on the STLP website.
  • The Teacher Expectations document found here. You will be required to review this document with your principal and submit it as part of your application.

The signed Teacher Expectations document may be uploaded below or submitted by email ( Your application will not be reviewed until we have received your signed Teacher Expectations document.

You may upload your signed teacher expectations document here if you have it ready.
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx rtf.
Teacher Information
Please rename your resume file to your full name before uploading.
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf txt doc docx rtf.
Limit 500 characters
(Limit 2000 characters)
(Limit characters 2000)
District and School Information

Provide enrollment by Race/Ethnicity for your school.
This information can be found a at this link:

Agreements and Signature

If selected to participate in the STEM Teacher Leadership Program, I hereby understand that I must present a valid school picture identification at the mandatory orientation in order to be eligible for participation in the STEM Teacher Leadership Program.

I hereby declare that all statements contained in this application are true and correct and understand that false or inaccurate information in the application will be the basis for termination. I understand that I may be subject to additional requirements which may include a criminal background check and/or drug/alcohol screening. Enter your Full Name and Date If you agree

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