
Educational Research
Research on STEM Integration in Education

Integrated STEM learning has gained traction in K-12 education as one possible way to address our national STEM education challenges.  How this is done, and the implications for student learning and teacher classroom practice is one focus of K-12 educational research at CEISMC.

Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR)

DBIR refers to an educational research approach, in which educational interventions are developed, tested and implemented within authentic settings in order to advance and refine educational theories.  DBIR is also used to explore the contextual constraints and moderating factors that determine both how the intervention is implemented and its effectiveness as a learning tool.

Engineering Education Research

Researchers in CEISMC pursue questions related to K-12 engineering education and its relationship to science education—how do the conceptual ideas from one field help facilitate knowledge acquisition in the other, and how best to assess student mastery of the Engineering Design Process.

Research on Culturally Relevant Education

CEISMC develops educational interventions that utilize culturally relevant and authentic practices to increase student engagement, motivation, and persistence in STEM.  Researchers then assess the impact of the interventions on student outcomes in classrooms with high minority enrollment.

STEM Curriculum Development  

The development and testing of curricula that can be successfully implemented in authentic and often difficult conditions is an iterative process of design, testing, and revision.  This process reveals information about the complicated interplay between curriculum, teaching, learning, and the various attributes of the environment that affect education.

21st Century Skills Assessment

21st century skills encompass skills such as collaboration, teamwork, problem solving, and creativity. Using various validated instruments, researchers assess the impact of educational interventions on students’ mastery of 21st Century Skills.

Evaluation of K-12 Educational Programs and Interventions

Researchers utilize a mixed-methods approach employing both qualitative and quantitative data sources to determine the impact of numerous K-12 programs and interventions. The evaluation of these interventions focuses on measuring student outcomes as well as teacher professional development impact on classroom practices.

Evaluation of Higher Education Programs and Interventions

Universities are constantly striving to improve undergraduate and graduate education.  An integral part of this process is collecting data to determine the impact of curricular changes on student learning and engagement, and to inform classroom practice.

As part of NSF funded AMP-IT-UP project, CEISMC Research & Evaluation Group works very closely with Mechanical Engineering faculty at Georgia Tech. This project focuses on conducting educational research in introduction level mechanical engineering courses. 

CEISMC Research & Evaluation Group also serves as the external evaluator on an NSF WIDER grant received by the College of Science and Math of the University of West Georgia.  This grant seeks to create a shared vision for valuing and using evidence-based teaching and learning practices across the college.  At Georgia Tech, CEISMC partners with the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute as the evaluator of their summer NSF REU, in which they seek to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to increase their knowledge of manufacturing, with an explicit focus upon including military veterans.

Research about Online and Digital Learning

Digital tools are becoming ubiquitous in learning.  Researchers explore the effectiveness of different technologies and platforms on student learning.