Dr. Meltem Alemdar is an accomplished educator, researcher and visionary leader dedicated to transforming STEM education. With her position as Associate Director and Principal Research Scientist at Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), Dr. Alemdar made significant contributions to the fields of STEM education. Her research focuses on improving K-12 STEM education through research on curriculum development, teacher professional development, and student learning in integrated STEM environments. Dr. Alemdar currently serves as PI and co-PI for research on various NSF funded projects that focuses on engineering education, teacher networks and STEM learning environments. In addition, she has been external evaluator for various NSF Projects over the past 15 years. Her expertise includes program evaluation, social network analysis, mixed methods, and advanced quantitative methods. Dr. Alemdar is passionate advocate for STEM education for all. She actively engages with educators, students, and communities to promote the importance of STEM disciplines and education research in preparing the next generation for the challenges of the future. Her collaborative nature has led to numerous partnerships with educational institutions, industry leaders, and government agencies. These collaborations have resulted in creating and documenting the impact of innovative programs and resources. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Policy, with a concentration in Research, Measurement, and Statistics, from Georgia State University.